Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust

Partnership Promoting Excellence

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, HD8 9DZ

01484 705682

About Us

Elaine Watson - CEO & Executive Headteacher


Welcome to our academy trust website.

The Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust is an inclusive trust which welcomes church and community schools and celebrates diversity and distinctive context. We recognise that for our learners, life chances are formed throughout their primary education. Our responsibility is to celebrate each child’s talents and build upon each child’s experiences to ensure that they make the progress that they deserve. Our aim is that all will flourish and achieve the highest standards.

The Board of Trustees of the Learning Accord MAT is committed to ensuring a high performing multi academy trust that delivers the very best educational experience for pupils at all of our academies.  As the educational landscape evolves, we are ready to adapt and grow, supporting schools transitioning to academy status and delivering outstanding results. We focus on improving leadership, governance, teaching, and learning while maintaining high standards across all our academies.

Our business model is built upon the premise that we deliver efficiency, effectiveness, increasing economies of scale whilst sustaining high standards and a culture of positivity. Our intention is to grow our central team to respond to our growth strategy in order to maximise our resources and achieve greater capacity.

I am delighted to have a talented and skilled Board of Trustees which provides both effective support and direct challenge. This ensures that the Trust is committed to developing all of its employees, both teaching and non-teaching. As a multi academy trust, we provide a supportive climate for all of our academies in which to develop, with the leadership and track record to succeed.


I hope you find the information on our website useful and informative.